Rudy Bros Circus #12

| June 4, 2012


Rudy Bros Circus #13

| June 4, 2012


Rudy Bros Circus #14

| June 4, 2012

Here is another example of using the wrong photo with the right name. I understand that the audience doesn’t know the difference f who is who, but you and I do. Putting a program together with incorrect photos and names, is just not the right thing to do! The above photo is Julius Von Uhl.


Rudy Bros Circus # 15

| June 4, 2012


Rudy Bros Circus #16

| June 4, 2012

This is not Ivan Henry with one of his chimps. As a matter of fact I don’t know who it is in this photo. I can tell you that Henry’s Chimps was on the show in Honolulu, July 17-27-1969.


Rudy Bros Circus #17

| June 4, 2012


Rudy Bros Circus # 18

| June 4, 2012

I can not even tell you what her act was……….I guess I was to busy looking at her frame.


Rudy Bros Circus #19

| June 4, 2012


Circus Musicians

| April 19, 2012

Jimmy Golf on the left, Don Ray on the right, two fine circus musicians.  Jimmy played the drums, Don on the Hammond Organ. For just two guys they made a lot of music……… They were always there if a performer was in trouble.


Rudy Bros Circus

| April 9, 2012

Tommy Bentley, 1965. Tommy did his dog act and rode as well as managed. He also stepped in as Ring Master when  owner Rudy Jacobe was away from the show.
