Burt and Nick…in the movie “Crimson Pirate”

Posted By on September 21, 2009


Burt Lancaster and Nick Cravat had been friends for years.Their friendship started when they were kids and they remained friends thoughout their lives. Both were born in New York city and met when they were around the age of ten. They were both interested in gymnastics and later a circus man by the name of Curly Brent taught them acrobatics, There was also one other circus performer by the name of Sam Catchume who was responsible for teaching them horizontal bars while on the road with Kay Bros Circus….this is according to the late Shelby Jackson, a bar performer himself and friend of Burt’s. Burt and Nick took to the road in the early 1930’s and traveled with Kay Bros, King Bros and later the Cole Bros Circus under the name of Lang and Cravat. When the second world war broke out, that finished the acts. After the war Burt went to Hollywood and it did not take long before he was staring in many motion pictures and Burt remembered his old friend Nick. They became a team once again.  Nick starred with Burt in several motion pictures one of which is Crimson Pirate. Do you remember the Twilight Zone?…. there was an episode in 1963 called “Nightmare at 20,ooo feet…..Nick Cravat was the gremlin on the wing of the plane ripping it away. 




About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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