The Hodgsons

Posted By on September 29, 2009


I just know their name , Nothing more but I am sure some where out there in the circus world will recognize them…………… and send a comment……………. They lived in Galveston, Ind. The 1950’s, or early 1960’s.

A must read comment by Carol Philips.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “The Hodgsons”

  1. Carol Philips says:

    The people in this photo have been identified as Robert Gordon Hodgson and his wife, Caroline LaVenia Hodges, by their daughter Carol Patricia Hodgson. Recently I was asking a friend of mine who is from the mid-Indiana area and knows a lot about show people from that area if he was familiar with anyone known as Hodgson. Fred Vonderheid overheard us and said he knew a Carol Hodgson from Galveston, Indiana, and that she was living just a little way down the road from us. Said he hadn’t seen her in about ten years and didn’t have
    her phone number, but would drive me over to where she lived. We went over this morning, and she is still living there. Her parents had bought the place in the 1950’s, and the mailbox still says “Gordon and LaVenia Hodgson.

    She verified the articles from the Billboard and other publications – said Joe Hodges (the Hodgini Riding Act) was her uncle, and mentioned various other circus performers she was related to. We had a very enjoyable visit with her, and I am grateful for her identifying the photo.

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