Capell Bros….pulling canvas from the seats

Posted By on January 9, 2010


The storm is over and all you can do is get everyone on the canvas and start sewing and splicing broken ropes…. there is no time to waste. Hour after hour mending a tent until its done and strong enough to be put in the air. I still have my palm, canvas needles and bee wax.  In 1977 Bill Capell rented a six pole big top to the Maricopa County Fair. The tent was used for exhibits. During the fair we had a wind storm, Luckily Bill and I were both there at the time and we dropped the peeks half way. The tent was saved but for one section which we replaced it that night….ready for the fair the fair the next day.  


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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