The Singing Cowboy

Posted By on April 20, 2010


If ever there was a circus fan most definitely Tex Ritter was it!  He is with Jimmy Golfs mother in this picture. Jimmy was the drummer with the Siebrand circus. Tex just happened to be doing one of his song promotionals at a music store. Jimmy and his mother were at the store buying sheet music for the circus organist Don Ray.  When Tex discovered there was a circus in town…. his promotion ended. Tex Ritter was not only a great western singer but he was a pretty fair actor as well. I remember his song called “The Deck Of Cards”. For those that are not familiar with this song it told a story of a cowboy that didn’t have a Bible…only a deck of cards and as he went though the cards each one reminded him of a passage from the Bible.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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