Old Circus Poster

Posted By on May 4, 2010


My thanks again to F.C. Victor for restoring these wonderful old posters, some of witch were rolled up and folded for years.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Old Circus Poster”

  1. Michelle Latham says:

    Great posters! You seem an expert on the subject, thus, I’m hoping you can answer a question that has plagued me on and off for years.

    10 years ago, I bought a vintage Sells & Gray Circus poster in an antiques mall in Philadelphia, PA USA. I don’t know why, though I like the circus well enough, I have no particular affinity for the circus or in clowns in general.

    So, it was odd that I paid $100 for a Sells & Gray 3 Ring poster that has the giant head of a laughing clown, in addition to the writing and nothing more, shipped it home, paid a considerable sum to mount and frame it, then finally, hung it on my office wall. The poster is merely printed with 3 colors (yellow, red and black) and simply days ‘Sells & Gray Circus’ then, 3 Ring 3 (there is a 3 centered above the word ‘ring’ and one centered below). No tigers or buxom women or elephants present.

    Whew ! I digress, here is my question about this poster that I seem to be so mesmerized by:

    It’s numbered. On the bottom right corner, is printed ‘No 68’. Why is it numbered? It is not in pencil or anything, it’s just printed. Every time I look at that, I think, ‘I must look that up’ but I always forget to do so.
    Now, 10 years later, I did just that. Not only can I find no other Sells & Gray Circus poster that is the same as mine, I cannot find any other poster that is numbered and no one to answer, what I am certain, is somehow a silly question.

    Any thoughts on the subject to finally put this nagging question to rest for me would be met with relieved gratitude that I can finally stop remembering and forgetting to look into it, and once and for all scratch it off my ‘bucket list’.

    Warmest Regards from an Inquiring Mind,

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