Tiny Gallagher

Posted By on January 4, 2011


Tiny “Galla Shawn” Gallagher is one of the best……….. and a one of a kind. She did a stunning head balancing trapeze act. Yes it is true………… there were others in our business who may have been just as good, but when Tiny came into the arena and then climbed to the lofty reaches of the trap bar…. she owed it. Her very presence captured the audience.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Tiny Gallagher”

  1. Chantel Gonzalez says:

    Harry Lee Gallagher was my moms father ! My uncles is named Thomas Gallagher I have another uncle name Patrick Vincent Gallagher ! I just started a search today my mom and uncles was adopted so i dont know much ! My mother was in the Christian home with Tommy but Patrick was sold to a family in Hancock Iowa! I remember my whole life my mother talked about the circus and how she knows she has sisters and brothers out there! Chantel !

  2. Jaime Gallagher says:

    Chantel, I’d love to hear more. We were linked to Tiny through ancestry.com my dad is named Thomas Gallagher and my uncle was Patrick Gallagher. Probably named after your uncles!
    -Jaime Gallagher

  3. Chantel Gonzalez says:

    Jaime I would love to chat sometime I have searched for you and Tiny on ancestory with no luck ! My mane is Chantelly Gonzalez on Facebook and my email is Chantelsfamilysearch@gmail.com thanks look foward to hearing from you ! Chantel

  4. MARY WICK says:

    Tiny was married at age 14 approx very young .to a fellow by the name. Of. Buzzy they had two sons Louis and Mark . safely mark passed about 5 years ago and Louis is thier eldest have been told his cancer is terminal.her husband buzz is still living and is 93.

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