Jack Badal #1

Posted By on March 18, 2011

Jack Badal dedicated more than half a life time training wild animals.  Jack never got credit for much of his training skills from the circus community as most of his training was done in zoos where he worked in the beginning of his career. The Brookfield Zoo and the Los Angeles Zoo is where he excelled in his unique way of training.  He has handled or trained just about every wild animal within the confines of any  major zoo. My friend Jack is retired and lives in southern California with his wife Helen. His big job now is handling the grand kids…………… I have to put in a personal comment. If Jack Babal had made his career as a wild animal trainer in the circus, He most likely would be in our Circus Hall of Fame.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Jack Badal #1”

  1. Steven Kappmeyer says:

    Jack is one of the coolest persons I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Went to church with He and family in Fullerton when young in the 60s and visited his house many times. Jack told me about Clyde Beatty and spent time in his backyard teaching me to crack a whip and snap paper cups off a ladders steps. In high school, working at Knotts Berry Farm, I got the pleasure of working around Jack and his gorilla, a show I watched many times and always with pleasure. I talked to Jack and his wife Helen a few years ago and he is still the nicest, humble man ever. At Knotts Jack would swing the gorilla in the air with one arm, ending with gorilla doing one arm stand on top of Jack’s upraised arm. Very impressive! Thanks

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