Siebrand Midway

Posted By on April 25, 2011

On the bally platform with the microphone is Norman Prather and to his right is Norma, his wife. The other ladies are unknown to me. This was the “Girl Show”, Carnival Burlesque, but very little clothing was ever taken off.  The bally platform front and panels along with the gay 90’s  sign all fold up. It’s actually a 30 foot semi that hauls all or part of a ride. When the ride was unloaded from the semi it was put in the outside midway line up. There must have been 15 to 20 different shows that were presented in this fashion. On the off side of the semi was attached a 20 by 20 two push pole canvas top. Within the tent a high stage folded out from the semi for the dancers. In the empty cargo area it became a dressing room. There were no seats, it was a standing audience. The show itself did not last too long. It was a grand , get em in ..get em out. The Lady on the left is Paula Paul a female impersonator……….but not to be reckoned with. In 1954 we were playing a town that was very rough and tough. During a bally at the girl show four guys in the tip got out of line and though something at the dancers, hitting one of them in the face. Paula jumped off the stage and within seconds all four were down and out cold. Back on the bally stage she returned with I might add a round of applause from the spectators……….. This not here say….I was there and happened to see it all. Siebrand Bros Circus and carnival.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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