‘The J.E.Henry Circus Band

Posted By on August 23, 2008

Photo taken  in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. I was told 1906.  Originally a tin type and later reproduced by Harry Quillen.  J.E. Henry stands at the flank of his elephant “Gyp”. He was the first circus owner to place his band on top of an elephant used mainly for circus parades….Main street, Any town, USA. J.E.Henry died in 1945, There is some mystery of when he was born, Dad said he lived to be somewhere in his late 90’s? That was also verified by family members as well. Give or take a year or two his birth was 1860? Up date 10-9-11, We have discovered that there is 10 years maybe 12 years which would have made his age at his death 9o’s? I give thanks to a distant cousin Don Richmond who had this information………………… I understand that the Yankee Patterson Circus had a band on their elephant as well and it was around the same time. Between 1909-1911 J.E. Henry acquired 6 Mexican musicians said to be deserters from Pancho Viva’s army.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “‘The J.E.Henry Circus Band”

  1. Janice Wiggins White says:

    That was really interesting…bet you had an exciting life growing up with all those animals and performers. I’m not sure if they will be able to make a good copy of the picture of your grandpa from that copy, but I’ll let you knnow.

    It was nice talking to you and take care…Jan

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