Mabel Stark

Posted By on May 8, 2011

The tiger in this photo is Rajah, one of her lead cats and most likely her favorite.  This is a very old picture of Mabel, I am thinking some time in the 1930’s. This photo is from her book Hold That Tiger written in 1938. Thanks to Mary Jo Knolls Winter, I now have the book……….. Photo taken on the Al.G. Barnes Circus.

                                                Great comment by Randy Runyon.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Mabel Stark”

  1. Ivan,
    Judging by Mabels and Rajahs age I believe this was shortly after she lived with the Empress of China as the resident cat act. Mabel was the first Womens Liber and a spirit I will never forget. I was blessed to be one of the few Kids she liked. She told me ,Kid if you want to learn how to crack a whip on your uni-cycle, go home and take off your shirt, after you POP yourself in the back a few times, you will figure out what not to do when that tail comes around behind you. I did and it worked, It only took 2 lashes to my back and I figured it out. Shortly after I had the pleasure of trying to ONE Up with Charlie Allen. God has blessed me with some Great Lifetime experiences and People who were not only my Circus Family but Life Long friends,and Historical Legends.
    AHO, Ivan

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