Siebrand Bros 1951

Posted By on May 5, 2011

This is a very rare photo of a carnival ride named the Caterpillar. The caterpillar got it’s name because of the appearance when it was operating. There were 20 gondola cars… one connected to the other forming a train like appearance. They traveled at a high rate of speed counter clockwise and when reaching its top speed a canvas covering would fly over the top of the cars. The riders inside the cars would experience a dark tunnel like effect. The canvas covering total ride was painted green, yellow, and black. To the spectator it looked like a giant caterpillar…. hence it’s name. This ride was one of the was popular with everyone who came to visit the carnival………… Siebrand Bros 1950.    Norma Prather collection.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Siebrand Bros 1951”

  1. David Horner says:

    Hi Ivan,

    I remember the Caterpillar, although only vaguely. I also noticed the single bucket octopus in the background. In my early days on the show, they had added crossbars on the end of the sweeps and doubled up the buckets…and the number of riders. I had always heard PW Siebrand was a pretty inovative showman – trailer mounting the farris wheel, his work on the paratrooper, etc.

    Hope you are doing well. I continue to visit your site regularly.

  2. admin says:

    The Spite Fire ride was turned into the Paratrooper and the Flying Scooter into the Barrel ride. They invented so much and never put a patent on any thing

  3. dick wayman says:

    just found the site i worked for okey back in 56-58 i worked on the crazy cat in 58 when i t was converted from the caterpillar i still reminisce those days when i was 15-17 wish i could remember every one names later dick wayman

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