Charley Cheer & Mary Jo Knolls

Posted By on May 15, 2011


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Charley Cheer & Mary Jo Knolls”

  1. Mary Jo Winter says:

    When Charley stayed with my family, he loved to cook. When my mom and he would go shopping for groceries, Charley would drive. I remember him having to sit up really straight and stretch a bit to see over the steering wheel. My mom said he would invariably drive straddle of the line. Whenever she’d bring it to his attention, he’s just smile and say, “Oh, that’s alright, Billie. They do that in some states!” We laughed about that for years afterward.

  2. John Knudsen says:

    The cooking reference in this post caught my eye as I searched for info on Charley Cheer.

    I was Charley’s neighbor in the summer of 1970 while working at the Enchanted Forest in Old Forge, NY. Charley was appearing in Gunther Wallenda’s circus there and I was a character actor in the park.

    Charley taught me to make Chicken Paprikas. In telling some friends how I came to have his recipe, I realized how long ago this was and that I had no idea what became of Charley. After frustrating Google searches, I found this blog.

    I hope someone will have recollections of Charley Cheer and news of him more recent than 1970.

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