Rudy Bros Circus

Posted By on July 18, 2011

I believe this photo is of Eloise Berchtold and Morgan Berry on the Rudy show in the 1969 or early 1970’s? I am not going to repeat the story of both of their tragic deaths. I will only say they were fine people and missed by those who knew them.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Rudy Bros Circus”

  1. Carol Philips says:

    I saw Eloise and Morgan Berry on Rudy Brothers in the 1970’s, but can’t remember the exact date.

  2. Kandra Robertson says:

    We were on the Rudy show with Eloise & Morgan, nice people, my Dad (Max Craig) said he never saw ANYONE who could out work Eloise. Their lives revolved around the comfort & care of their animals. Mrs. Jacobi came from an animal background & treated all of the animal people very well. Tommy Bentley was the same.

  3. mark mikel says:

    i worked with the rudy bros circus in the summer of 1972. I was 19the time. I knew Eloise and Morgan He was from Minnesota as am I. While in Baltimore July 25 thru the 30th a picture was taken of me on the back of one of their lions I am unable to locate the photo and lost the copy I was provided at the time.Too bad it was a great summer loaded with adventures and experiances I will never forget. I read about Eloises’ passing in the local paper back home She and Morgan were nice people who were very good to me.

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