A Great White Face

Posted By on July 23, 2011

I believe this is Dale Longmeyers.  He was with Bentley Bros Circus in the 1980’s……… Please read the comments made by Lee Stevens and Bob Momyer,  This clown could be Bruce Warner.

Thanks Bob for your comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


5 Responses to “A Great White Face”

  1. Bob Momyer says:

    I believe this is Bruce Warner who was with Bentley Bros after he graduated from Clown College

  2. Lee Stevens says:

    Ivan , this is not Dale..

  3. Lee Stevens says:

    Thanks Bob,, I couldn’t remember Bruces’ last name…

  4. Bob Momyer says:

    Hi Lee,
    Bruce was one of my students at Clown College when I was Bil’ s assistant. He was a hard worker and good looking clown…always enjoyed his creativity and friendship.

  5. The photo is definitely of Bruce Warner. Bruce was certainly hilarious! He took audiences by treating realities unusually. His clown act once featured a high dive show…, off a ladder,… into a Dixie cup of water. The dive was successful! Working solo or in any clown team gag, Bruce was seriously hilarious!

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