Tibor Alexander Wonder Dogs

Posted By on July 24, 2011

Thank you Irene for your comment. I posted it. Do you have any other photos of Tibor.    Regards   IVAN


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


6 Responses to “Tibor Alexander Wonder Dogs”

  1. Lee Stevens says:

    I book your act, but first can you make me a sandwich ! one of Tibors favorite lines!!

  2. Lee Merritt says:

    This was at the Illinois state fair, 1977 I believe. My partner in the cradle act Dave Pittenger, is standing at the bottom of the rigging behind Tibor. The date was for Ron Kelroy.

    Tibor followed our act, pushing the doghouse from the inside so it appeared to be moving by itself. This happened right beneath our act as we worked.

  3. Irene Dungey says:

    Hello, When I was 14 I worked for Tibor and Irene looking after the dogs when they came to Kelvin Hall in Glasgow during the xmas time approx. 1956-57. I loved it and they wanted me to tour with them but we were waiting to come back to Australia and my Mum wouldnt let me. I often wonder what my life would have been like if she had!! Thank you for bringing back many wonderful memories. Irene

  4. Pamela Wade says:

    Was it really 1956-7? I had been with Irene and Tibby in Blackpool Tower Circus and they wanted me to go to Kelvin Hall, but my grandmother would not allow it. I am now living in America, but London, Kensington until 1990. Do you have any more information about them, particularly Irene?They were very good to me, the happiest days of my life! Pamela

  5. John Haigh says:

    I have tried to contact Irene &Tibor without success. Could you please update me to how they are. We where friends for many years before we lost contact with them when they whent to the US. Thank you. John

  6. Bob Momyer says:

    We worked with Tibor once and the thing we remember most is he had at least 30 leashes all knotted together on which he had five or six dogs. We still laugh at the idea.

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