Mary Henry and “Dutch”

Posted By on September 17, 2008

Cronin Bros. Circus 1943. Dutch was a play mate of mind when I was a kid. Dutch and Babe were two loving elephants and both gentle. There will be photos of Babe later in the upcoming  posts. There was many times when a lot we played would have an abundance of grass, this was good and bad. It was bad because of a fire hazard, Good for the elephants and horses. Quite often the show would play on rented farm land near town. Usually there was left over Hay or Alfalfa from the farmers cut. The elephants were left to grazes and it was also play time with the kids on the show. Play for us was running around and underneath the elephants, and swinging on their trunks. It was a great time for myself and the show kids, as for the elephants they just tolerated us. Of course it was always under a watchful eye of Joe Metcafe the shows elephant man.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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