Bertha & Arthur Henry

Posted By on January 3, 2012

This photo is of Bertha May and Arthur Henry and was taken in 1905.

First of all, I want to thank Donald Richmond, a distant cousin of mine that I did not know of until a few weeks ago, for this picture. Because of my Circus Blog, Donald discovered the rest of his Henry family that he had been researching for quite some time. He was told by his family that, many generations ago, some members of the family had left the farm in search of a new life and that they became circus people.

 Below is the rest of the story:

Don, as I now call him, is a distant cousin from my grandfather’s side.  James Edward Henry had several brothers, which I kind of knew about, but there were also four sisters that neither I nor my family knew anything about until now. As a matter of fact there were 13 children. I vaguely remember my father talking about an Aunt Mary and an Aunt Grace, so maybe they were the two sisters of my grandfather? This could be where Don’s family comes into play. I’m sure he will let me know as he is researching the other two sisters’ names.

James Edward Henry’s father, Robert Henry,  was born in 1823.  He was in show business somewhat, performing minstrel and melodrama aboard river boats, and in his older years,  helped his son, James Edward, with a small Dog and Pony Show.  They also had a Medicine Pitch Show, and later, the Henry Big Show.

I am told that Robert Henry’s father’s name was Hugh Henry. He was a “Tin Horn” gambler and could stack a deck in four shuffles. He also was a saloon piano man and singer. We also had a southern general in the Civil War in our family whose name I am researching.

Donald and I are still researching our families, however Donald has been involved in our family lineage for literally years.  Until recently, J.E. Henry was the missing link.  Most of what I knew about our family was handed down though conversations with family and friends, and for the most part, factual.  But there was always a question in my mind about my grandfather’s age.

It is true that he died in the winter of 1945,  just after the war. The question is – when was he born? My father and many others said that he lived way past ninety, making his birth date around 1860. Records do not show that. My cousin Shirley Henry and I were having a  conversation about our family history, as I am in the middle of writing a book concerning my life and the Henry Family. I am thankful that I have the help of a  professional.

According to Shirley, it seems there was an incident in J.E’s young life which required him to leave the country for several years. His father, Robert Henry, sent him to Australia aboard a steamship. When he came home in the late 188o’s, he took over where his Dad left off with the show. He then married Mable Chase Fairbanks.  J.E. Henry was in his late 30’s at the time of his marriage.  (I will elaborate more on this story at a later time.)

The photo is of my Aunt Bertha May Henry at age 5, oldest of the Henry children, and my Uncle Arthur “Bum” Henry, age 2 who was the oldest of the Henry boys.  I am researching now their actual birth dates.  Written on the wagon where they are sitting is “J. E. Henry Show Today.”  I know this photo was taken in the early 1900’s. I am sure they were in the front of the circus parade.

Donald Richmond has provided me with four more generations of information and photos of my family I never knew existed. I always figured  there was a long line of Henry performers of one kind or other from conversations that I remember with my uncles and Dad. Even though they did not elaborate, they spoke of things like it was yesterday. I just discovered Bertha passed away Oct 9, 1984 at the age of 83. Waiting now to get information on my uncle Arthur birth date. It is not an easy task researching family history, time has destroyed vital records. Here again I have to thank my cousin Don.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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