
Posted By on September 8, 2011

Smiles………. Ya, They sure are a fine looking group. From left to right, my uncle Glen Henry, Shelby Jackson and Babe, Shelby’s wife. I’m not sure of the young man’s name. It might be John Harriott?

I have written very little about my uncle Glen, or for that matter, any of my uncles. So I guess now is a good time. I will start off by saying that they held their circus upbringing with honor and each, in their own right, were fine performers in whatever acts they presented. Their versatility provided them a successful life in show business.

I want to include my aunt Bertha and Max Grieg, who was like an uncle to all the Henry siblings. What makes me so proud of them all is that I have never heard a person speak in a bad way of them. There were always those who would tell me a short story about a time that someone in me family helped them out in one way or another. I try  to live up to my family’s good reputation. There has been a few times I’ve failed, but that makes me try even harder.

Kandra thanks for the wonderful story about our family…THIS COMMENT IT IS A MUST READ!


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Smiles”

  1. CASEY GIBBS says:

    You sure are right about the Henry family. I never knew any of you that wasn’t always there to help a fellow showman. The same for Max Grieg. Proud to have you as my friend.

  2. Kandra Robertson says:

    As you know Ivan, your Uncle Glen & Aunt Ethel were on the Gil Gray show for quite a few years & remained friends with my parents (Max & Gertie Craig). A few years ago when my mother was in an assisted living home, Ethel came to visit my mother. They were both from Montana. They were reminiscing about how both had run off to marry two circus boys & how they had both been forever know as “That (their maiden names) Girl That Ran Off With That Circus Man”. This naturally lead to stories about how tough it had been in the 30’s, for them to learn how to perform, travel & raise children on very little money. I asked them, if they had it to do over again would they? They both turned to each other & started laughing & said “You bet !” at the same time. It was priceless!

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