The Vaudevillian #10

Posted By on October 23, 2011

Glen Hartzell, the young Vaudevillian in 1917 or 1918. The actual date is unknown when he started in show business. At this time he was living in Covington, Ohio, most likely performing in theaters in that part of the country. As I wrote before he was a versatile entertainer. Here in this photo his routine was song, dance and some comedy.  My acquaintance with him was in the early 1950’s on the Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival where he had his Octopus show. I was a teenager at that time but I enjoyed visiting with him and his daughter Glenna at our house trailer. They became good friends with my family although Dad knew Bones from previous years. It was informative and a lot of fun asking questions about how Bones got his start in show business. He would speak of his vaudeville days and the different circuses that he had worked with, such as Daily Bros, Hagenbeck, Sells Floto, Al G. Barnes, John Robinson and Ringling Bros Barnum & Baily.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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