Another Parade Another Town

Posted By on January 10, 2012

Here is one more great photo of my grandfather parading his “Big Show” as he called it. He is at the front of the parade in his two horse drawn buggy. Later he started to use the circus name more often. The name ‘Big Show” was only to separate himself some what from the other circuses and there numerous shows on the road in those days. The greater majority of circuses traveled by train from town to town and they played all the bigger cities. Grandfather was content with his little wagon show, but then I believe in 1913 or 1914 he started converting model T’s over to autos tractors that could pull his wagons that were modified with from auto frames into small trailer semis Then when the model A’s came out in 1927 he actually cut the back seat out of the cars exposing the frame and created a 5th wheel by chris-crossing steel ties and then used a steel stake as a king pin…. Note, the model T’s was his first conversion. Then later in 1928 he bought two Cadillacs and converted them over to tractors, they could pull much heavier loads because there larger motors and transmissions. I remember my father telling me a story about how they would have to put the model Ts in reverse and back up over hills. The model T was not powerful enough to pull a load up hill. Even in it’s lowest low gear it would stall out. Reverse had a much lower gear and could take the hill. but there were times that didn’t work and they would use two T’s. A puller and a pusher would win the day. If you go into circus categories, J.E. Henry Circus 1800-1900 there are photos of his equipment   This photo comes from the Bob Cline collection. Thank you again Bob.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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