Monga Macedo Margo Macrdo

Posted By on March 8, 2012

I misspelled her name on the title ab0ve. Sorry for the mistake. I was informed by her great nephew that Margo is her first name and this is how it is spelled. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I wish to say that if ANYONE should notice a miss print of any kind, please let me know.

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About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


5 Responses to “Monga Macedo Margo Macrdo”

  1. Brittany Page says:

    That is my great aunt Margarita Macedo. I recognize this photo because my grandmother has a copy of it. She signed it Margo for short of Margarita. Its not Monga Macedo. Thanks for posting it though

  2. That is my greataunt and her name was MARGO. I think one of my other aunts have that costume still.

  3. admin says:

    All has been fixed. The name is now spelled correct.

  4. anonymous says:

    Her name is Margarita. She is still alive shes a patient of ours. She just saw herself in this picture. Crazy.

  5. Christina Esparza says:

    I believe this is a picture of my great aunt as well. Her sister was my great grandmother, Estella Macedo. Does anyone have information on the name of the circus they were in? It looks like she’s addressed this photo to the Royal Rockets! A skating act that was very well known. Any more information about this? I’d be so appreciative.

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