Col. Tim McCoy #3

Posted By on March 22, 2012

Left, right and front was the canvas covered seating area. The seating was the same as circus seating made out of plank boards, stringers and jacks, at the height of about six feet. As seen here, there was a net barrier between the audience and arena. The back side wall is where the performers entered, it was also the staging and dressing change area. On the left and right of the back canvas wall were sliding curtains that would be opened and closed by the prop crew. Seen here is the beginning of the stage coach chase…….. Just a short story about myself and Berry Sugerbrown, from the native American Sugerbrown family. On the 101 Ranch show in mid season 1945, Berry and I rode in the six horse hitch stage coach for the grand arena parade that opened the show. The teamster on the boot of the coach may have been a little drunk and fell from the coach, spooking the team and away we went at a full gallop. Around the arena two or three times then out though the back door with the cowboys after us trying to stop the runaway. Finely the cowboys stopped the coach about a half a mile from the lot. We were brought back to the arena to a standing ovation…… The audience thought it was part of the show.…………. Of course Berry and I enjoyed the wild ride and wished that it would happen again but never did.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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