Dales Bros Circus

Posted By on April 3, 2012

Photo taken as elephants are leaving the back door from “Spec.” To be perfectly honest with you I don’t remember this circus too well. The name Dales is just a faint memory… Can anyone make a comment?


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Dales Bros Circus”

  1. Billie Schuller says:

    Mickey Dales and the McIntosh brothers took out this show. Flo McIntosh, Tommy Bentley and Jerry Pressley did wire, Keller Pressley, boss canvasman. Charlie Cuthbert had the band.
    Was on Dales in 1948, and pics don’t look like 1948 to me. Bert Pettis is in Program with one elephant. Pic could be Marie and Sandy in a different year.

  2. admin says:

    1948 along with the name Dales Bros was written on the folders and the photos That I came by. I can only go by what someone wrote in 1948. If you can come up with some thing different,please advise. IVAN

  3. sharon says:

    Looking for info re family tree of a Keller Pressley and his wife Geraldine ( Jerry) Saw an article in 1951 that he was on “death bed” yet in 1962 there was an article that he and she were in Chicago.
    Do you know if they had children? When he died?

  4. Peter says:

    Grave site of one of the Circus workers (Joseph L Favareau)

    He died in a car accident


    His name is listed on one of your pages.


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