Chief Sky Eagle #1

Posted By on May 1, 2012

A friend of mine just sent me this photo of Chief Sky Eagle. The last time I saw Sky Eagle was on the 101 Ranch Wild West Show & Circus in 1946 and part of 1956. Sky Eagle was one of the main attractions in the show demonstrating his skills in native American archery. He was a dead shot with bow and arrow. This photo was taken in 1947 at the Sun Valley Rodeo, Idaho. He was a full blood Sioux Native American. Even though I was a kid at the time I appreciated him as a performer,  but more over a fine and proud person. He was someone you could look up too. There is a close up photo of him in the 101 Wild West Show….Look in categories.

Thanks Mike for the Photos.

Also Thanks to Patty Sky Eagle for the correct information on his tribe. Note from Ivan. Sky Eagle never told anyone that he was from Canada and did say that he was Sioux for show biz pro moe. I am sure he had his reasons at that time!


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Chief Sky Eagle #1”

  1. Mike,
    I just wanted to correct a couple of your facts regarding Chief Sky-Eagle (my father-in law). 1. He was Ottaea NOT Sioux, his tribe was originally from Canada. 2. He was chief and medicine man for the tribe, which he was very proud of. 3. He died in 1955, hit by a hit and run driver while crossing the San Jancinto River Bridge, in Texas in 1955. The driver was never found. He was a wonderful person and never met a stranger. His wife passed in her 90’S in a rest home in Oklahoma, in the 70-or 80’s. She too was a very special person.
    There are still a lot of his decendants living here in Texas.

    Patty Sky-Eagle.

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