Pa Pa Escalante’s Circus Band

Posted By on June 22, 2012

I saw this picture with a story in the circus report. It was important to me to have this photo in the circus blog. The reason is that I never saw it before and I wanted others who follow the circus blog to see it. There is another reason: because of the fond relationship between the Henry Family and the Escalante Family.

I called Milonga Escalante Cline and asked her if she would send a copy to me. I can’t tell you how much Milonga means to me and so many others. Many years ago Milonga and her late husband Johnny and my family worked numerous shows together. The relationship goes back further, to the Escalante Circus in the early 1940’s. My parents were on the show and this is where I learned to speak Spanish fluently. I spoke with Milonga today and asked if she would send me a photo of her mother and father, along with any Escalante Circus photos while in Mexico.  She said, “As soon as I can find them.”

A great comment by Janice Trevino.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Pa Pa Escalante’s Circus Band”

  1. Janice Trevino says:

    I use to like and go to the Esclante’s in L.A. Milonga and Johnny are very much part of my family. But when they all got together it was fun to go to their house. Aunt Chata, Aunt Ester, Blackie, Lalo. It was a great childhood growing up.

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