Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 27, 2012

In this photo is a Cole Bros elephant taking a cool drink of water. This water wagon was most likely mounted on a Mack truck flat bed. The water wagon was one of the most important items on any circus and never was allowed to be empty. Depending on the size of the tank it was necessary to make 2 to 3 runs a day for water, sometimes even more. The Mack truck was easier and faster than a team of horses. However in the old days there were horse drawn water wagons. They would fill the water wagon where ever they could, a stream, river or at a train water tower. If water was only available at a stream they had to use buckets to fill the water tank. If the show got lucky and a stream was close to the lot the animals were lead to the water. The performers even took advantage of it for washing and maybe just to enjoy…………1936

A very factual comment from Michael Lancaster.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Cole Bros Circus”

  1. It is safe to say that no one ever [hand] carried water for elephants.

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