Ray Chandler & Babe

Posted By on September 9, 2012

This photo was taken by the Kalamazoo, Michigan Gazette News, mid 1950’s. Babe was a good, safe elephant and never was a problem. In this photo under Ray’s direction she performs what looks like a very dangerous trick. Babe would place her food just inches from the face of a person. Ray would perform this trick himself if he could not get a volunteer form the audience. Babe was one of the few reliable elephants of her time. Babe was bought and sold numerous times by different circuses. I know the four shows, before Gene Hotler bought her for his show. Babe’s final days were with Gene. Her age got the best of her. To this day I still have fond memories of her from when I was a kid, playing with my Babe, Dutch and Vera in the tall grass on a circus lot long ago.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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