
Posted By on September 9, 2012

Neil “Shorty” Chervenak, the last I heard he retired and was living in Oregon.  A little known fact: Neil at the age of 15 was hired by Ray Chandler. Ray basically took Neil under his wing and broke him into the business on the Gene Holter Show. Neil learned his skills well from Ray and why not… he had a good teacher.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Shorty”

  1. Rick Chervenak says:

    Neil “Shorty” Chervenak is my uncle, brother of Frederick, Alan, Louise, Pam, Karen, Judy and Joyce. I would love to know more about my uncle if you have any further information


    Rick Chervenak

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