Cole Bros Circus #5

Posted By on September 14, 2012

These wagons are waiting to be unloaded. On the outside of the wagons plainly seen are tent side poles and short center poles. These wagons most likely were loaded with the canvas for the cook house, dressing room tents etc. The smaller tent canvas was rolled and the side walls folded. Four to six men could easily set these tents up. The main big top took far more men to erect. Wagon 109 in the center is loaded with seat blanks and props. It has a semi look, it’s much longer and has a wooden bulkhead in front. In the rear of the wagon is a tail gate.

I believe this photo was taken in the early 1920’s


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Cole Bros Circus #5”

  1. cale says:

    Do you have approximate dates for the photos on your site? they are great!

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