Cole Bros Circus #11

Posted By on September 14, 2012

Cole Bros monkey cage wagon 1942. I am noticing that most of the wagons were converted over to steel hard rubber wheels. It is evident in the photos that the date is in the early 1940’s. Bob Cline made mention of this. Here is my question…. Were the wheels a special make or were they removed from wrecked trucks such as a Mack? There has been many different types of conversion on circus equipment in the past and even in the present.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Cole Bros Circus #11”

  1. In an old Bandwagon magazine in a article that joe Bradbury did on Cole Bros he said that in 1937 when Cole was in California they bought lots of old Mack truck rubber tired steel wheels. They were put in every available space on the train.
    I know in years to come the fans hated Cole using these Carnival wheels as gthey were called but during the war years to me a very smart idea.
    The towns did not like the circuses to use the steel tired wheels as it tore up the streets.
    So Cole using these carnival wheels that were steel with hard rubber tires did not tear up streets and they had no flat tires to deal with during the war years.
    Plus they last forever so a real smart idea to me.
    Great job on the Cole pictures and thanks a million.
    Harry in Texas

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