Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 14, 2012

Here is a photo of Jordan Christensen with his dogs. He was on the Cole Bros Circus in 1938. I do not know if he had a dog act or if these dogs were his personal pets? I would like to think that he and his dogs performed  on the show.

A worth while read from John Herriott. Thanks for your comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Cole Bros Circus”

  1. john herriott says:

    He came to this country with 16 horse liberty act bought from Polish Circus Marekowski and his own great dane dog act worked by his Russian wife. It was a parody of a lion act in a small arena with dogs having lions heads on them. A comedy act. Don’t know if he still had it on Cole Bros. He always had dogs either as pets or trained. He was a marvelous trainer. Very humane. I cherished his councel and friendship over the years. johnny

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