Great London Circus Stretching Out

Posted By on September 19, 2012

Stretching out the canvas all has to be done in unison. Bruce in the white coat would call out, “All together now, lift it up, shake it out, get some air under it, PULL it back.” In one burst all would run backwards equally pulling the canvas to the outside. If you have done this before it is easy but if you are a newcomer most likely you will trip and be covered over. No one stops once the pull has started. It’s good for a laugh watching someone crawling out from under the canvas. The section must all line up correctly for each can be laced to the other. Lasing canvas is hard to explain…. you have to see it done to learn.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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