Ringling Bros #6

Posted By on October 27, 2012

1908 parade. This float is being pulled by an 8 horse hitch, and it’s name is unknown to me at this time. In this photo on the right is a horseman he is known as the outrider. It is not too often they are seen in a photo.  The outriders are a very important part of a circus parade. His job is to protect the horses from stray dogs that could cause a horse to bolt, and from people getting too close to the parade wagons. More importantly, it is his duty to stop a team run away if necessary.  There have been times that someone in the crowd would throw a fire cracker, or perhaps a loud noise would spook the horses. If in the event there was a run away the outrider would gallop forward to catch the lead team and rein the two horses up to a halt. After a few minutes of calming down the situation the parade would start up again.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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