J. E. Henry Circus

Posted By on January 15, 2013

J.E. Henry route #1As the years pasted J.E. moved west to California from what I remember of what my father told me. In the 1930’s grandfather showed California and some of southern Oregon and Arizona. He finally bought property in El Monte, Calif where he wintered his show  believe in 1938 or 1939? The Henry family became a little more diversified. My uncles were performing on other shows with their acts. Now they were all married and found themselves not living too close to the winter quarters. They made their own way and would only come together if there was a tour. As time went on in the early 1940’s the circus kind of faded away. World War II broke out and the Henry boys were now doing U.S.O. shows and mainly working with other circuses. After over a half of century or more, the Henry Bros Circus came to it’s end.  J.E. Henry passed away in 1945.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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