Rent A Indian

Posted By on January 27, 2013

Cole Bros Clyde BeattyAfter reading this letter, I had to sit back in my chair and think about how I felt as mixed emotions of anger and disbelieve went  through  me.  I was appalled at disrespect for our Native American brothers and sisters.

The native American played an important part in the Circus and Wild West Shows but never got the credit for their performances.  Bill Cody and Tim McCoy were the exceptions. After Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show proved to be a great success,  other Wild West shows were created. There was a great hunger for this type of entertainment. Even the circuses presented an after show consisting of cowboys and Indians. If there were no Indians to be had, they would book a cowboy movie star for a personnel appearance. 


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Rent A Indian”

  1. I am Fulton County Historian. I worked with Fulton County Historical Society founded in 1963 anbd was president 1971-2001, retiring on my 65th birthday in 2001. I continue as a volunteer and write a history column for the Rochester Sentinel.
    I am glad to find your blog. Rochester was the winterquarters for Cole Bros. – Clyde Beatty Circus 1934-41 when destroyed by fire. I am interested in anything else you have on this circus. Thanks.

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