Gene & Chuck ” NO”

Posted By on June 15, 2013

8Gene Lewis and Chuck Burnes. Photo taken during  a walk around. Ringling show 1958? A few days ago I called Chuck and told him that I had this photo. I asked him if the 1958 date was correct. He said after I see the photo,” I’ll let you know”. Our two minute conversation turned into almost an hour of  jack pots concerning the circus. What else?  He asked me what I thought of the new types of circuses that are being presented now, such as those in Las Vegas. My answer was not very positive. In my opinion a circus is not a circus unless it has animals. That is not to say that the shows in Vegas are bad, they definitely are not!! They are just not the same. I am happy that there still is a few good circuses on the road. Please know that I am from the old school and from that school I learned that being a circus performer comes from the heart  No matter what the circumstances or hardships, that sawdust arena beckons you to it. Without sounding too sentimental,  I am honored to be a part of that circus family. It’s knowing people like Chuck Burnes and countless others that has satisfied my life.

There is no finer, cleaner family entertainment than the true American Circus.

UPDATE 6/17/2013

I just got a call from Chuck Burnes he said that this was not he in the photo. It is Felix Adler and the little person he does not recognize. I told Chuck that I wondered about this photo because  the wardrobe was different, than what Chuck was noted for.

Thanks for the correction Chuck. Now I need the name of the other person. It is not Gene Lewis.

About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Gene & Chuck ” NO””

  1. Bob Cline says:

    Hello Ivan.

    I totally agree. The Circus is the only form of family entertainment that has existed in this country for over 220 years.


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