A Circus Story

Posted By on October 16, 2013

Cappi 1Cappi 2Cappi 3Ivan & CappiMike Cappi and I have been friends for the passed 25 or more years. It all started on the Great London Circus in the early 1970’s. Mike was working props at that time. He had never traveled with a circus before but no one saw that he was a first of May. Mike had a zeal for the business, learned fast and  genuinely cared for the circus which is why I hired him when I took Henry Bros Circus on the road. He became an asset and a great investment for my show and later for Legend City.  As time went on, we grew to be good friends. This photo was taken a few weeks ago in Sedona, Arizona.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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