Rolling Globe #12

Posted By on October 30, 2014

Glen on Globe Rope SpiningThe Rolling Globe you might say was one of the trademarks of the Henry family.It goes back to the J.E. Henry Circus. Glen, Clifford and Todd did the globe act on their father’s circus. At that time they had two globes. I’m proud to say I have one of the original globes. Hap, Author, and Bertha also did the globe act. I must mention Max Craig who was raised with the Henry family also had globe act..Glen Henry seen here…..late 1940’s.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Rolling Globe #12”

  1. casey gibbs says:

    In 1966 for the NFL Championship game between Dallas and Green Bay Glen and my self got to gather all the rope spinners,whip crackers, knife throwers and trick riders in North Texas for a Jim Skinner/Gil Gray produced Haft Time show in the Cotton Bowl . It was a good deal for me as i had some money coming in doing the winter. Glen contacted everyone and Gil gave me a stack of $100.00 and said i want Cowboy Blue shirts and White Cowboy hats for every one. I found the shirts ok but the hats i could not find in white so Gill tells me get some hats and white paint and paint them ! I did and worked all night painting and got them down to the fairgrounds and stated passing them out waring every one there might be wet paint on some of them. It was a good show and we all some top see the game plus got paid some.

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