Thompson Bros Lakemont Park

Posted By on October 31, 2016

 1950,s Thompson Bros were at Lakemont Park, Altoona, Pa. In this photo bull plates being unloaded. The bull plats or plate forms are what the Tilt A Whirl tubes ride on. Each tube has two wheels which ride on a circular track. The Tilt A Whirl to this day is still a favored ride at amusement parks and carnivals. 

Sunday May 13- 2018. I just got a comment from James Logan of Altoona, PA. It’s a must read that concerns Lakemont Park. Thanks James.

About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Thompson Bros Lakemont Park”

  1. James Logan says:

    Dear Sir, I am 75 years old and was raised in Lakemont, and my father was a full time employee of Lakemont park. Thompson Bros. did not own the park. It was owned by Blair county and was governed by a citizens committee comprised by prominent business leaders from the county. Ferd Thompson managed the Thompson bros rides such as feris wheel, octopus, tilt a whirle, scrambler, and all kiddie land rides, popcorn Carmel corn, candy apples. The park owned the leap the dips, whip, scooters, little train, showboat, swimming pool, skating rink. Was managed by Joe Heaverly, who was married to One of the Ferd Thompsons sister. Ralph Stover owned the penny arcade, shooting gallery, ice cream, cotton candy, soft drinks, and restaurant foods as well as funhouse. Live ponys was owned by Vince Hart. I my self was an employee of the park until I left for the Marine Corps. Would appreciate it if you could correct your article. Thanking you in advance. Jim

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