Herbie Weber

Posted By on May 12, 2017

Herbie Weber, “The Great Show Stealer”. I could write volumes on this man. He was kind. professional, and always there to help other performers. He not only did a wire act, he performed the “Slide for Life”. When you did not see him in the arena during a show, you could find him in the seats butchering cotton candy or popcorn. After his act you would see him run to the concessions while putting on his white coat and a small paper hat, a butchers outfit. Herbie was one of a very few performers that sold goods in the audience. I asked him why, because he made good money as a performer. His answer was “if the money is there never turn it down”. The Great Show Stealer. At the end of his wire act, he would take a false fall off the wire. A hush came over the audience. His acting was wonderful. Herbie would lift himself up slowly from the arena floor with help from the prop crew and  his wife. Herbie then would start back to the wire, shaking himself off as to regain composure. The prop crew and ringmaster tried to escort him from the ring but he would dramatically refuse. Back to the wire to finish his act with a cacophony of cheers and applause. Many times in a large circus there were three ring displays. All the performers would hope that they were not part of the display with  Herbie as he always would steal the show.  

I just remembered Herbie Weber’s wife’s name. Marcella was his second wife. His first was Cahta Guaterris, from many generations of circus performers. Cahta sister  Melonga Guaterris, lives in Florida. They come from a very large family of circus performer’s. It is said that during the Poncho Viva revolution, their father Johnny Guaterris brought his family circus to this country.

                                   Yes they were all illegal, but no one cared then.        


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Herbie Weber”

  1. Bruno Loyale says:

    Dear All, This was one great, great, incredible man….I could have loved no one anymore. He was like a father to me. He was with me the day I opened “Tents by Bruno” and with me the day I bought the “Circus Ship” and sailed the entire Pacific….HE WAS THERE..by my side…..I have missed him since the day he went to walk wire in the sky……there’ll never be another Great Umberto!

    Bruno Loyale

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