Josip Marcan’s Tiger Ride

Posted By on February 26, 2009


Here, Josip Marcan and his tiger show their confidence in each other. This goes much deeper than just animal training. There is a concept with many people, that animal training has to be forceful and cruel.  This is not true. Although the trainer must maintain the alpha position …..that position is arrived at because the animal feels confident in their pack leader trainer and this is done through patient training and reward, whether it be with gentle words and food. Understanding the emotions of an animal and being able to read his body language will eliminate negative results. Yes there are those times when a trainer has to assert his or her dominance. It is done in the way the animal understands.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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