Dick McGraw

Posted By on March 18, 2009


Dick McGraw, another Jungleland great and one nice guy. I met him only one time briefly but his reputation about being easy going and friendly preceded him and I found it to be true.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Dick McGraw”

  1. Janice Trevino says:

    He worked with my dad Ray Chandler with Mr. Gobels Camels. They did tv and movie, they also did the camels races in Virgina City, NV. Dick and Shirley are great people. If you see this comment Dick and Shirley Hi from Mom and I.

  2. Roger Smith says:

    Dick and I looked a lot alike then, and constantly ran around together. Shirley often went with us, and around those Thousand Oaks watering holes we became such fixtures that many times Shirley and I would be sitting there waiting for Dick and the bartenders would say, “Hi, Shirley. Hi, Dick. Where’s Roger?”

    I last saw them in 2003, when they came from New York to see a new grandchild. We spent 9 hours recollecting old times. Dick and I became like brothers, and my son is named Richard Bennett for Dick and Mabel’s top tiger man, Benny Bennett.

    Dear Heaven, the memories.

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