Max and Gertie Crige

Posted By on March 25, 2009


This photo was taken at Max & Gertie’s anniversary. We called him Uncle Max as he was considered part of the Henry family, not by blood but by long time association. Max’s father was the band leader of the J.E. Henry circus in the early 1900’s. Max had a sister named Maxine on the show as well.  She later married my Uncle Todd Henry. Max and the Henry boys were like brothers and they all did rolling globe.  Thank you to Bill Strong for the photo.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Max and Gertie Crige”

  1. Bill Gowan says:

    I will see Gertie tomorrow. I tell her you said hello. She is always talking about the Henry’s. I believe she is 88.
    Bill Gowan

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