Jack Wright….. A True American Cowboy

Posted By on May 3, 2009


This is Jack Wright  in his early 20’s. This picture is his first professional photo. Jack was born October 15, 1891 in Hazen, Arkansas. He died June 8, 1973 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. His father was Samuel Taylor Wright and his mother was Lucy Elizabeth Wright. Jack’s career started very early in his  life. He grew up a cowboy and handling a rope was second nature to him. Jack was self- taught and he learned his trade well. As time went on he worked in rodeos with his rope spinning act and trick roping. He was asked to join  the Miller Bros. 101 Ranch Wild West Show in the 1920’s where he worked for quite some time . Then he got into the movies doing bit parts playing himself and was a pretty good actor. On one of the movies he met Tom Mix and was asked to  doubled\ for him.  Tom Mix and Jack became good friends. He also worked with Yakima Knutt doing stunt work.  Jack Wright perfected his trick riding, but his claim to fame was his roping. He joined the revised 101 Wild West Show in the mid 1940’s…….  I want to thank his Grand Nephews for supplying  me with these wonderful pictures that  you are about to see.  Thanks Billy and Bob Wright. 



About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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