Jungle Jim

Posted By on May 26, 2009


Taking a little time out between shots. Johnny Weismuller with Tamba on location shooting one of many Jungle Jim movies in the late 1940’s. As Johnny got older he did not fight the young Tarzan image, so the studio created the Jungle Jim series. They were still exciting and adventurous and the kids loved them.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Jungle Jim”

  1. I cannot be certain since the numbers in the lower right corner are not all that clear. But if it is the 8090 series, the still is from Voodoo Tiger released in 1952. By this time, the chimp Tamba was played by another simian named Peggy. The original Tamba died from smoke inhalation in a mishap at the World Jungle Compound in 1951.

    The original Tamba’s trainer was Hank Craig. Peggy’s trainer was Henry Tyndall.

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