Jungleland Animals

Posted By on June 14, 2009


Little Bimbo with one of the Henry Tyndall chimps. Henry had a repore with chimps, the like of which I have not seen since. His ques were all silent and he perfected this method in his motion picture work. It was necessary be to be quiet while shooting a scene. At the compound he worked his act the same way so not to confuse the chimps. The chimps would go through their routine as if there was no trainer….Once in a while you could see his hand move giving a slight que.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Jungleland Animals”

  1. Roger Smith says:

    Chief Henry Tyndall was an Cherokee Indian who had once been on the Buffalo Bill Wild West show. At Jungleland, he had his chimps on the 12 Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan films, and later on his 16 Jungle Jim pictues. He continued with the 5 Lex Barker Tarzan series. His lead chimp was Peggy, who won the 1953 P.A.T.S.Y award starring as Bonzo. She co-starred with Ronald Reagan in BEDTIME FOR BONZO. Peggy was supported by Chief’s back-up chimps, Neil and Emil.

    I still have the gunbelt Chief gave me, which had belonged to Terrell Jacobs.

    Chief’s brother, Norman, was equally well-known in the picture business. Those camels you saw in the desert films of the era were trained by him.

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