Max and Gertie Craig

Posted By on July 6, 2009


Back in 1920’s, 30’s and even the 1940″s, many circus performers worked in Vaudeville. When the circus season came to the end of the year, and shows went into winter quarters,  performers keep busy doing theater dates. In this photo Max and Gertie are seen performing such a  theater date. In those years, most cities had Vaudeville and in the later years you had to do your act between the movies. Max and Gertie were no exception. They were either on the circus performing or in a theater. Max and his sister Maxine grew up on the J. E. Henry Bros Circus and along with all the Henry boys became  fine performers. Max and Gertie have two children Darrel and Kandra………… I want to thank Joanne and PeeWee Pinson  for the photos, they mean a lot to me.

   Please read the comment from their grandson. This is why I do The Circus Blog.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Max and Gertie Craig”

  1. Kandra says:

    Hi Ivan,
    Thanks for putting the pictures of my parents on your website. I just found out about your website thru Bill Gowan. This picture was taken in the 30’s, when my Mom was first learning their handbalancing act. My Mom lives in an assisted living complex in Mesquite, TX. She will be 89 this coming February. Her health is good considering her age, but she has some dementia which makes her short term memory bad. I still remember the night my Dad & I met Clifford & your sisters in Gainesville and it was the first time our fathers had seen each other in years. They started telling old stories & I never laughed so much in my life.
    I’ll keep checking in on your wonderful site.
    Kandra Craig Robertson

  2. Glen Bolls says:

    Hi Ivan,
    I am Kandra Robertson’s oldest son. Thanks again for posting my grandparents’ photos on your site. Amazing to see, along with all the other incredible photos you have. Really enjoyed your site and plan to visit often. I have included a link to my facbook page that showcase a couple photos from your site and more you may be interested in seeing. Feel free to use on your site if you like. Thanks again, Glen Bolls

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