Siebrand Poster

Posted By on November 20, 2011

I never knew that this poster even existed. This poster was a gift from Dorothy Capell. Bill Capell collected numerous circus and carnival photos and posters and after his passing Dorothy Capell thought that I should have them. This Siebrand poster is the only one in existence and was used in 1952-1953 and 1954. In this poster, large photos of the circus were used instead of art work seen in most others.

In the top left corner you’ll notice the Woodcock Elephants. This photo was taken in 1949.  Center photo shows the Siebrand midway and rides. The top right is another shot of the Woodcock Elephants circa 1949. Bottom right is the Siebrand front gate entrance to carnival, and the bottom left shows the Siebrand circus stage with a large group of performers. To my surprise, I found in that group of performers my mother and father and myself. I remember that the photo was taken in 1951, but never knew it would be on a Siebrand Poster. 


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Siebrand Poster”

  1. Fabulous! Harry and Mrs were my great-grand parents.

    Harry’s youngest child (and longest living) , Kenneth Roger, just passed two weeks ago.

    I grew up with Siebrand Bros posters in my parents house in San Diego.

    It is very special to see this one!


    I would love to own this one day:)

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