The Suarez Circus Family #1

Posted By on March 24, 2012

I met and worked with these fine folks in 1969. We did a lot of circus still dates together and became good friends. Tommy Bentley was responsible for their bookings here in this country and helped them to become well known. No matter which one of their acts they did, rest, assured it was A #1. The Suarez family was noted for having one of the finest riding acts in the business. They learned their profession in their home country Mexico. The Suarez family was in the U.S. for several years and with Tommy Bentley’s help them created a circus in their home country. In January of 1974 I was asked by Raul and Pino Suarez if I would join the Suarez circus in Mexico. Raul said what gave him the idea of having our chimp act, is that one of our chimps Jackie was dressed as a Mexican and because I spoke Spanish the comedy that I did with the chimps would go over in a big way.

A deal was struck and off to Mexico we went. I must say it was an adventure, but in a good way. The Suarez family treated us as family and worry was never on our minds. It was a great season with wonderful memories. In 1975 I started to build Henry Bros circus for my sons, the next generation of Henry Bros. But in 1980, due to other business obligations I sold the show lock stock and barrel to Raul Suarez. That, I am sorry to say, was the last time I saw Raul and the rest of his family. In this photo I know all of their names but one: top left, ??; right, Lupi; bottom left to right, Hugo, Pino, and Raul.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “The Suarez Circus Family #1”

  1. Bob Cline says:

    I’m thinking I remember them touring on the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus in the 1970’s. Is that right Ivan?

  2. admin says:

    I believe so Bob. Your friend IVAN

  3. William Shoop says:

    I saw Circo Hermanos Suarez in Costa Rica in the late 80s.Simply an incredible show performance wise and also on the lot.The equipment and tent were first class.Crispin Suarez was running the show with his brother.It was in a suburb of San Jose,I want to say in Desemparados.From opening to close the show was superb.Great cat acts.They worked the lions and tigers seperately.This was the second Mexican circus I had ever seen.The first being Fuente Gasca another incredible show.
    I had first seen this family on the Beatty Cole Circus early 70s.

  4. jamie suarez says:

    Hi mister ivan my name is jamie I’m pino’s suarez youngest child! My uncle raul’s circus is working in central america and my fathers circus is in mexico mexicali, my father pass away 8 month ago! Just wanted to say thanks for the beautiful picture

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